Bruce Wilson’s summer

I think there was a boating season this year but when I look at my numbers on the engine hour meter and the notes in my written log, I am not sure it counts for a season.

Engine hours show a grand total of 3.3 hours of running time which includes 2.8 hours on the water on June 4th and a total of .5 hour for the run up in early June and the shut down on October 20th.

We should all try to remember our good seasons and just hope we can back to those times and forget about the fires, the smoke, the 40+C temperatures and ???

Reta & I did manage to see a lot of water and a lot of boats as we spent 3 weeks in the Maritimes in September. It was the time of year that many of the trawlers were being hauled out as the seasons of the various fisheries were closed and many of the boats are trailered to the yards of the fishermen’s homes and put up on blocks. A lot of these are wonderful looking trawlers and look ready for next year’s season.

We did see one exception and I just had to take a picture of it. I am only guessing as we did not meet the owner but we assume he has decided to retire his boat from fishing and make it into a unique “TRAWLER B&B” complete with a private deck with great and changing views. Don’t forget your fishing gear as you will never be far from the water.

This could be the before photo as this is the style of most trawlers. Maybe the very 1st “TRAWLER B&B”

Kelly & Jenni were in town with “Joy Ride” a few weeks ago and we were going to get an afternoon of boating with them but the water in Lake Okanagan was so low that the boat ramps were too shallow to allow for a safe and smooth launching. While at the Eldorado launch ramp we watched one boat try to pull out and he got stuck ( yes, stuck) at the far end of the launch ramp dock. His prop was stirring up mud!!

Well, a short season leads to a short article. Stay safe and healthy and cheers to you all.

Bruce Wilson

Past Pres.